Medication for treating Cushing's disease in horses: risk of accidental human ingestion
Ingestion médicaments chevaux

Medication for treating Cushing's disease in horses: risk of accidental human ingestion

Around 60 cases of humans being poisoned by medication containing pergolide intended for horses have been reported since 2012. Because of the small size of the tablets and the long duration of the treatment, the risk of accidental ingestion is particularly high. Here is a reminder of the recommendations for avoiding accidents and taking appropriate action in the event of accidental ingestion.
If your child swallows a button battery, every minute counts!
Piles Bouton

If your child swallows a button battery, every minute counts!

Every year, more than a thousand children accidentally swallow button batteries. This can have serious, sometimes fatal, consequences, especially if it goes unnoticed. Why is this dangerous? And most importantly, what should you do if your child swallows a button battery?
Leave household products in their original containers!

Leave household products in their original containers!

Over the 2017-2021 period, more than 33,000 accidents caused by the decanting of household products were recorded by poison control centres in France. While many of these accidents were not serious, around 100 had severe consequences and five deaths were reported. ANSES is reiterating the precautions you should take to protect yourself and your loved ones on a daily basis.
What are the most common causes of serious cases of accidental poisoning in children?
Intoxications pédiatriques

What are the most common causes of serious cases of accidental poisoning in children?

Produits de nettoyage, médicaments, appareils de chauffage, piles-boutons font partie de notre quotidien mais peuvent être sources d’accidents pour nos enfants. Les intoxications dont ils sont victimes sont fréquentes et parfois graves, surtout pour les plus jeunes. C’est ce que mentionne le bilan de l’Anses qui a analysé, en collaboration avec Santé publique France, différentes données issues des Centres antipoison (CAP), des passages aux urgences, des hospitalisations et des décès de 2014 à 2020. Ces accidents étant évitables, il est indispensable de sensibiliser l’entourage des enfants à ces risques et aux bonnes pratiques pour les prévenir.
Carbon monoxide poisoning can be fatal and concerns everyone: you can reduce the risks by adopting the right practices.

Carbon monoxide poisoning can be fatal and concerns everyone: you can reduce the risks by adopting the right practices.

As the temperature drops, the risk of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning increases, linked to the use of heating appliances. Such accidents can also be caused by the use of electricity generators. Every year, France sees around 1300 episodes of CO poisoning, involving almost 3000 people. Invisible, odourless and non-irritating, carbon monoxide is undetectable. However, some simple practices can help reduce the risks. Particular attention should be paid to using mobile fuel-burning space heaters properly, and avoiding makeshift heating systems, which are particularly risky.
Do not treat your cat with antiparasitics for dogs
Antiparasitaire Chat

Do not treat your cat with antiparasitics for dogs

The return of the warm weather coincides with the return of parasites such as ticks, fleas and mosquitoes, all of which can cause serious diseases in animals These parasites can also carry diseases transmissible to humans. Ectoparasiticides (designed to kill parasites that live on the exterior of a host) are a good way to protect pets. However, it is important to ensure that these veterinary medicinal products are used correctly, particularly in the case of permethrin-based antiparasitic products for dogs, which are toxic for cats.
Menstrual toxic shock: respect the conditions for wearing feminine hygiene products
choc toxique

Menstrual toxic shock: respect the conditions for wearing feminine hygiene products

About twenty cases of menstrual toxic shock syndrome (TSS) are recorded each year in France. Menstrual TSS is linked to the conditions of use of internal sanitary protection products. What are the potential consequences of this syndrome? Who may be affected? And above all, how can TSS be avoided? The answers to your questions are found below.
Home-made weedkillers: never mix bleach and vinegar
désherbage maison

Home-made weedkillers: never mix bleach and vinegar

Because of bans on the sale of numerous herbicides to the general public, more and more people have been choosing to make their own products. However, mixing certain ingredients such as bleach and vinegar can cause poisoning that sometimes requires hospitalisation. ANSES and the poison control centres are issuing a warning about this hazardous practice and recommend using only products bearing the words "Authorised for use in gardens".
Only consume liquorice occasionally and in moderation

Only consume liquorice occasionally and in moderation

Liquorice is found in a wide variety of foods and drinks, including sweets, ice cream, syrups and alcoholic beverages. Regularly eating large amounts of food containing liquorice can cause serious and potentially life-threatening poisoning, even in healthy individuals. Following the cases of poisoning recorded by poison control centres from 2012 to 2021, ANSES is recommending that liquorice should only be consumed occasionally and in moderation.
Be careful before giving human medication to an animal
Un chien auquel on donne des médicaments

Be careful before giving human medication to an animal

Paracetamol and aspirin can be fatal for our pets. Other medication intended for humans can cause poisoning in animals. Below we review the most common situations and issue some recommendations you should keep in mind before giving these medicines to an animal.
