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ANSES renews its Scientific Board for three years

ANSES renews its Scientific Board for three years

Through this new call, ANSES wishes to include more European and international scientists. Twenty-four (24) scientists with expertise in the Agency's fields of competence will be selected.
Avian influenza virus infects a cat
Antiparasitaire Chat

Avian influenza virus infects a cat

In late December, a sick cat in the Deux-Sèvres département tested positive for the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N1. ANSES was actively involved in the investigation of this case, which led to a nearby duck farm being identified as the source of the cat's contamination. The increase in such viral transfers from birds to mammals in different countries calls for vigilance, as they could facilitate the possible transfer to humans.
Creosote: Do not reuse treated railway sleepers
Ne pas réutiliser les traverses de chemin de fer créosotés

Creosote: Do not reuse treated railway sleepers

Creosote is highly toxic to health and exposure therefore needs to be kept to a minimum. In France, creosote is only used to treat railway sleepers under very specific conditions. These sleepers should never be reused for fencing or firewood, for example. ANSES has submitted a restriction proposal to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) with a view to harmonising at European level the ban on the reuse of creosote-treated wood in France.
Improve monitoring of GMOs in the environment
Chargement zone portuaire

Improve monitoring of GMOs in the environment

Following the identification of genetically modified rapeseed plants growing near Rouen, the Agency was asked to assess the effectiveness of the measures applied to eradicate them and prevent the accidental release of GMOs into the environment more generally. It recommends strengthening monitoring plans and, in particular, mapping the areas of France most at risk of their release.
ANSES and the INRS renew their partnership on occupational health
Signature du partenariat Anses-INRS

ANSES and the INRS renew their partnership on occupational health

Today, Wednesday 18 January 2023, ANSES and the INRS are signing a new partnership agreement, thereby continuing their collaborative venture initiated over 10 years ago to better assess and prevent occupational risks.
Gaining a better understanding of the genome of the bacterium responsible for Q fever
Bactéries Coxiella burnetii

Gaining a better understanding of the genome of the bacterium responsible for Q fever

ANSES's Sophia Antipolis Laboratory has participated in a vast genetic analysis of strains of Coxiella burnetii, the bacterium responsible for Q fever, a disease that can be transmitted to humans. This collaboration between animal and human disease specialists, on which a paper was published in late 2022, is the first step in a One Health project on this zoonosis.
Ethical standards in expert appraisal activities: guidelines for analysing intellectual ties

Ethical standards in expert appraisal activities: guidelines for analysing intellectual ties

To ensure independence and transparency in its expert appraisal activities, ANSES publishes information on the measures taken to analyse the interests declared by its experts. Alongside the matrix for analysing personal connections, it is publishing specific guidelines for analysing intellectual ties.
ANSES renews its cooperation on occupational health with NIOSH

ANSES renews its cooperation on occupational health with NIOSH

ANSES and the National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH) in the United States signed a new memorandum of understanding in the field of occupational health, in this beginning of year, after an initial ten-year collaboration.
Only use chemicals as a last resort to eradicate bed bugs
Punaises de lit

Only use chemicals as a last resort to eradicate bed bugs

Once a home is infested with bed bugs, it is difficult to get rid of them. Sometimes, faced with the tenacity of these parasites, people turn to insecticides. However, their use is not without risk: more than 1000 cases of poisoning due to these chemicals, some serious, were recorded between 2007 and 2021. To eradicate bed bugs, you should therefore initially favour non-chemical means.
