Raw-milk cheeses: What are the associated health risks and what preventive measures can be taken?

Raw-milk cheeses: What are the associated health risks and what preventive measures can be taken?

Salmonella, enterohaemorrhagic E. coli, Listeria monocytogenes – a wide range of bacteria can be found in the raw-milk cheeses and other raw-milk dairy products we consume. These are sometimes involved in cases of food poisoning, leading them to be recalled or withdrawn from the market. In order to further improve the control of these risks, ANSES has identified the types of raw-milk cheeses on which efforts should focus as a priority.
Phytotherapy and aromatherapy: adapting risk assessment in veterinary medicine
Phytothérapie Aromathérapie

Phytotherapy and aromatherapy: adapting risk assessment in veterinary medicine

Herbal preparations (phytotherapy) and essential oils (aromatherapy) are increasingly being used as alternatives to other “allopathic” medicinal products for the treatment of animals. This is true even for food-producing animals. If the products used have a therapeutic purpose, they are considered veterinary medicinal products.This means it should be possible to guarantee there is no risk to consumers of foods derived from treated animals. However, it is complicated to implement the current regulations to assess this risk for herbal medicinal products. ANSES therefore issued an internal request to propose a specific assessment methodology for herbal veterinary medicinal products.
